Radio reporters are often able to gain greater access to their interviewees because of the lack of an intrusive camera. An ABC Radio National Background Briefing program on 22 March called ‘Radicalisation and the “sweet talkers” for IS’ delved into the world of Perth and Sydney’s radicalised young people with a range of interviews, including one with a youth worker, who said that it was important that moderate Muslim leaders here in Australia use social media to connect with young people to get their message of moderation across.
The parents of some young people who’ve travelled to the Middle East have followed them across there to try and bring them back, but so far with little success.
To access the podcast of this program, or a transcript, visit the ABC website.
A thought-provoking ABC article looks at the reasons why young people are drawn to IS, and what can be done to stop them. It features an academic from Curtin University, who says that the way to counter extremism is to work with young people, and not foist government programs on them as they will automatically reject anything that is government-run. Click here to read the article.