To ensure Australia’s policies, programs and research for young people are high quality and reflect international best practice to nurture engaged and resilient young Australians.
a. Provide practical, analytical resources on good practice:
b. Present youth sector news and events round-ups:
c. Deliver information and helpdesk services:
d. Offer organisational services
Unlike other information and research services covering young people in Australia:
Everyone involved in the Australian youth sector:
Stakeholders who completed our recent survey helped us understand and measure whether our products and services are delivering what they need to and whether they are helping make the impacts within your work we would like them to.
48% of stakeholders who responded to our 2014 stakeholder survey said they have used ACYS products and services to help inform their youth-related policy (mainly through Youth Field Xpress, Youth Studies Australia, ACYS books and Face the Facts). Of those, 95% said that the resources were useful or very useful.
Examples of the impacts you told us we’ve helped to make:
56% of stakeholders who responded to our 2014 stakeholder survey said they had used ACYS products and services to help inform youth-related research (mainly through Youth Field Xpress, Youth Studies Australia, ACYS books and Face the Facts). Of these, 95% said that the products were useful or very useful for this purpose.
Example of the impacts you told us we’ve helped to make:
38% of stakeholders who responded to our 2014 stakeholder survey said they had used ACYS products and services to inform their youth-related practice or programs (mainly through Youth Field Xpress, Youth Studies Australia, sector resources, ACYS books and the ACYS website news feed). Of those, all said the resource were useful or very useful.
Examples of the impacts you told us we’ve helped to make:
You can find other examples of how our services have been used here.
ACYS has been funded by the Federal Government for over 30 years. Currently, the Department of Education and Training’s Youth Innovation Team manages an open tender for contracting services for three years at a time. UTAS has consecutively won this tender process. The current contract, which ends on 30 June 2024, has been for $480,000 per year through the Department’s Youth Engagement budget.
In the Federal Budget 2024, the 'youth engagement' budget line is due to be reduced from $3,077,000 for 2014 –15 to $534,000 for 2024–16 and 2024–17. Please see the Department of Education and Training’s Portfolio Statement (p.35).All programs under this budget line that were not subject to an ongoing commitment between the Federal Government and the states have been cut.
We have been overwhelmed with responses from the youth sector about the potential impacts of losing ACYS’s services. We will collate these examples and make them available via ACYS' website.
In the meantime, as a starting point:
1. Loss of time for front line delivery for youth services
Services will have to spend more precious delivery time on locating information they need on good practice as both our news services and our free helpdesk service will no longer be available. Recent requests for reports to help services have included:
• Issues relating to young people themselves:
• Issues relating to professional practice with young people:
2. Loss of access to quality, free resources for organisations, researchers and policymakers, no matter where they are in Australia
Policymakers, researchers and practitioners will lose an objective and free source of analysis and resources, including case studies of good practice, research, analysis and data on what works internationally and nationally in key service delivery areas, such as employment, education, health, housing and homelessness, and youth engagement to inform their work with young people.
3. Less opportunity for the sector to connect and learn from each other
Lindsey Moffatt
[email protected]
T: 03 6226 7533
M: 0417 768 651
Marta Guerra
Partnerships, Marketing and Communications
[email protected]
T: 03 6226 1748