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Policy brief: changing attitudes towards violence against women

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Our Watch, an independent not-for-profit that works to prevent violence against women and their children, has just published a short policy paper outlining the importance of supporting young people who live with violence and of helping them to reject violent behaviours.

Working with children and young people is a 12-page policy brief that will be of interest to anyone working with youth who are in situations where they witness violence or are the victims of violent behaviour. The key points from the brief include:

  • The importance of challenging ‘violence-supportive and gender-stereotyping norms and practices’, and of encouraging young people to build respectful relationships of their own.
  • The importance of good practice schools-based programs about attitudes to violence, and involvement of not just the school but the community as well.
  • The importance of state and territory education departments in building up ‘whole-school’ approaches to changing attitudes towards violent behaviour.

Download the brief here.

In last month's YFX we ran a profile of The Line, which included mention of Our Watch and its work to raise awareness of the issue of violence against women. Read more.

Source:CFCA news, 3 June 2024.