Dear ACYS Management,
The Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT) is devastated to hear that the Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies (ACYS) will not be funded past June 30 2024.
ACYS has provided valuable information and research to YNOT, the youth sector and broader community organisations across Tasmania who support young people. YNOT has relied on this information to inform our work, promote best practice within the youth sector and stay up to date with what is happening across the youth sector in Australia and internationally.
The work of ACYS is also needed now more than ever as significant issues such as record high levels of youth unemployment and mental health issues are being experienced by young people. These issues require responses and support that is informed by evidence based information and research to ensure that services are effective and young people are supported as best as possible.
Without ACYS, YNOT and other organisations who support young people in Tasmania will not have access to this vital research and information to ensure that young people can have the support they require.
A significant gap will be left within the Australian youth sector and the ability for organisations to access the type information that ACYS provides will be drastically diminished.
Please let us know if we are able to do anything to assist.
Joanna Siejka and the YNOT Team
Chief Executive Officer
Youth Network of Tasmania
National Youth Coalition for Housing