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May 2024

Welcome to the May 2024 issue of Youth Field Xpress!

As you may have heard, the Federal Government decided not to continue funding for an Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies after 30 June within the latest Federal Budget. Therefore, we will be closing down ACYS services to the youth sector after 30 June 2024, including YFX.

We have created a special page on the ACYS website where readers can find out more about the closure and provide feedback on what impacts the closure of ACYS will have on your work with young people. You can also read some testimonials from those of you who have already let us know how valuable our services have been and what impacts our closure will have for you and the young people you work with. Many thanks to those of you who have already taken time to do this. If you’d still like to let us know, please do so here:

We are currently working on ways to archive ACYS’s website so that our resources, including Youth Studies Australia, our Face the Facts series, the library of youth sector resources and YFX are publicly and freely accessible after 30 June 2024. Please watch this space next month and the closure section of the ACYS website for more information on this.

Our final issue of YFX will appear at the end of June, so please make sure you utilise both this packed edition and June’s YFX to stay informed of developments in policy, research and practice within the youth sector.

In our final issue we would like to include a short reflective piece on how YFX  has developed over the years, and what impact it has had on the youth sector. If you would like to contribute to this, please email me direct or use our feedback form.

Many stories in this month’s issue of YFX  are bound up with the ideas of inclusion and disadvantage: the Voices of the vulnerable report from Mission Australia examines the attitudes and aspirations of young people who have used MA’s services (see ‘Wellbeing’); the new Transition Support for Young Refugees and Other Vulnerable Migrants program aims to help newly arrived young people better integrate (see ‘Inclusion and rights’); and the Safe at school report looks at how we can better protect young people with cognitive disabilities in school settings (see ‘Wellbeing’). We hope you will take time to reflect on any of the news topics that are relevant to your field of work and use the information to implement further improvements or best practice in the work you do for or with young people.

Please see this month’s The Sector for a profile of The Line, a social youth marketing campaign that seeks to change attitudes towards violence against women. ACYS will itself shortly be releasing another in its series of Face the Facts briefings on the topic of violence against young women, and The Line will form a case study within that package.

Happy reading, as ever!

Caroline Mordaunt

Coming soon: Face the Facts: Violence against young women in Australia: Contexts beyond the family home 

The terrible toll taken every day by men who behave violently towards women and children has been at the forefront of public debate in Australia in 2024. The statistics are stark and widely acknowledged: one in three women has experienced physical violence since the age of 15 and one in five has experienced sexual violence. Less well appreciated is research indicating that adolescents and young adults are particularly at risk.

In June, ACYS will release the latest in our Face the Facts briefing series, Violence against young women in Australia: Contexts beyond the family home. This briefing explores the issue of violence against women as it affects Australian victims, perpetrators and bystanders aged 12 to 25 in contexts other than the family home, such as intimate relationships, schools, sporting clubs, social media and the workplace. This is not intended to distract attention from the severity, extent or impact of family violence, but to provide a complementary perspective on the current national conversation, which has a strong focus on family violence.

The package incorporates current Australian and international research evidence and good practice, offering a briefing, snapshot, program case studies and a podcast. It will be a useful resource for anyone working with young people, particularly those working in the violence prevention space.

To receive a notification when this Face the Facts briefing is released, email: [email protected]

The Sector
The Line
The Line is a youth social marketing campaign that seeks to change attitudes and behaviours that condone, justify and excuse violence against women.


The small print

Thank you to Sue Dilley and Kate Gross for editorial input to this issue of YFX. Links were checked and correct at the time of publishing. Please report errors to the editor, Caroline Mordaunt.

Send us your news!

Please send any contributions for consideration for inclusion in the next issue of YFX to  [email protected]

Join 3000+ subscribers from the sector who are kept informed about the month's goings on through Youth Field Xpress


Parenting teenagers: Help your teenager be healthy, resilient and ready for life’s challenges

The Reach Foundation with Anna Mortensen
ISBN 9781922213594
Format Paperback
Cost A$19.99

Parenting teenagers is a straight-talking and practical guide to supporting your kids through their teenage years. It provides all the information you’ll need, when you need it and without the fluff. All profits from the sale of this book go to Reach Foundation, a Melbourne-based organisation that aims to improve the wellbeing of young people so they can be healthy and resilient to meet life’s challenges and fulfil their potential.

published January 2024

Understanding and assessing trauma in children and adolescents measures, methods and youth in context

Kathleen Nader
ISBN 9781138871632
Format Paperback
Cost US$49.95

In this book, the author has compiled an articulate and comprehensive guide to the complex process of assessment in youth and adolescent trauma. There are many issues that are important to evaluating children and adolescents, and it is increasingly clear that reliance on just one type of assessment does not provide the most accurate results. From history to recent advances, this book covers a wide range of methods and measures for assessing trauma, including case examples to illustrate the integration of these different facets. Altogether, the broad scope and inclusive depth of this work make it an essential addition to the field of trauma assessment.

512 pp., published in paperback April 2024 (published in hardback in 2007)

Dissociation in traumatized children and adolescents: Theory and clinical interventions (2nd edition)

Sandra Wieland (ed.)
ISBN 9781138824775
Format Paperback
Cost US$49.95

This book presents a series of unique and compelling case studies written by some of the foremost international experts in the study of dissociation in young people. In the new edition, chapters have been updated to include discussion of the most recent findings in trauma and neuroscience as well as Joyanna Silberg’s popular affect-avoidance model. In addition, Sandra Wieland’s incisive commentaries on each case study have been updated. Each chapter presents a detailed narrative of a therapist's work with a child or adolescent interspersed with the therapist's own thought process, and every therapist explains the theory and research behind her clinical decisions. The case studies present many aspects of working with traumatised children – attachment work, trauma processing, work with the family, interactions with the community, psychoeducation related to dissociation, and encouragement of communication between the dissociated parts—and provide a frank analysis of the difficulties clinicians encounter in various therapeutic situations.

354 pp., published April 2024

Understanding street culture: Poverty, crime, youth and cool

Jonathan Ilan
ISBN 9781137028587
Format Paperback
Cost £28.99

How do poverty, youth and crime relate to the concept of being 'cool'? Jonathan Ilan presents a unique, theoretically informed overview of street culture in various parts of the world – its origins, functions, manifestations and appeal – examining both its bearing on criminal lifestyles and on the cultivation of 'cool.' Drawing on contemporary research and original examples to evidence new ways of thinking about street culture - from the favelas of Brazil to housing projects in the USA – the text locates street culture within its particular social, cultural and economic contexts. Covering diverse subjects from brutal violence to contemporary fashion it explores the ways in which street culture is intertwined with processes of social exclusion and inclusion.

216 pp., published May 2024

School-based practice with children and youth experiencing homelessness

James Canfield
ISBN 9780190213053
Format Paperback
Cost £22.99

Schools are facing increasing numbers of homeless students and school social workers and other related professionals are often at the front line of addressing the negative impact homelessness brings to individual students and the school overall. School social workers and other school-based personnel must contend with a myriad of policies and other factors related to homelessness to help students obtain an education. This American text is one of the first to focus on this topic in the context of social work practice. This book guides practitioners through the conceptualisation of homelessness, how experiencing homelessness impacts the children social workers serve, the policies that govern them, and finally a practice perspective.

144 pp., published May 2024

That's so gay! Challenging homophobic bullying

Jonathan Charlesworth
ISBN 9781849054614
Format Paperback
Cost A$39.95

What is homophobic bullying and what do you do about it? Why do young people bully and how can you prevent it? This practical handbook guides you through dealing with homophobic bullying, supporting those who bully and those who are bullied, and creating inclusive environments. A useful text for schools, teachers and others working with young people.

184 pp., published February 2024

Language, youth and identity in the 21st century: Linguistic practices across urban spaces

Jacomine Nortier and Bente A Svendsen (eds)
ISBN 9781107016989
Format Hardcover
Cost £65.00

The language of young people is central in sociolinguistic research, as it is seen to be innovative and a primary source of knowledge about linguistic change and the role of language. This volume brings together a team of leading scholars to explore and compare linguistic practices of young people in multilingual urban spaces, with analyses ranging from grammar to ideology. It includes fascinating examples from cities in Europe, Africa, Canada and the USA to demonstrate how young people express their identities through language, for example in hip-hop lyrics and new social media. This is the first book to cover the topic from a globally diverse perspective, and it investigates how linguistic practices across different communities intersect with age, ethnicity, gender and class.

370 pp., published March 2024

Youth crime and justice (2nd edition)

Barry Goldson and John Muncie
ISBN 9781446210833
Format Paperback
Cost £24.99

Building upon the success of the first edition, this substantially revised second edition comprises a range of cutting-edge contributions from leading national and international researchers. The book situates youth crime and youth justice within historical and social-structural contexts; critically examines policy and practice trends and their relation to knowledge and ‘evidence’; and presents a forward-looking vision of a rights-compliant youth justice with integrity. An authoritative and accessible book, Youth crime and justice provides a coherent, comprehensive and fully up-to-date analysis of contemporary developments and debates. 

208 pp., published March 2024

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